Accurate Estimates

Estimates You Can Build On!

Accurate Estimates desktop and mobile view


Construction estimation companies provide bids to contractors, sub-contractors, architects, and builders that make it possible for them to calculate their costs before spending a single dollar and plan their finances. Such estimates provide bird’s eye view of the total cost. The costs vary by project size and scope of work. Even a small miscalculation can snowball and cost the contractor from thousands to millions of dollars, depending on the project size.

When Accurate Estimates, a start-up, reached out to us to develop a website where construction professionals could not only reach out to them, but also share their drawings and plans, AppVerx saw a great opportunity to delver a website that was both functional and beautiful.

accurate estimates homepage


AppVerx first conducted a thorough analysis of Accurate Estimate’s existing systems and then worked closely with team Accurate Estimates to bring their vision and the specific requirements for their website to virtual life. 

The project team consisted of a UI/UX designer, a WordPress developer, a content writer, a QA engineer, and a project manager.
Accurate Estimates desktop and mobile view


Adopting a 360° approach, AppVerx delivered a comprehensive solution with Accurate Estimates website, offering powerful tools that cater to the needs of businesses and sales teams.

Then the AppVerx team, including a dedicated project manager, created a design that was user-friendly, intuitive, and appealing to the eye.

The combined efforts of the development team, design experts, and close collaboration with the client resulted in the following solutions:

1. Redesign: We completely remodeled and redesigned the website so it invited the visitor’s eyes in, and took over their senses.

2. No Slider: Our studies showed the slider header was distracting to the viewers. So we recommended Accurate Estimates picks one key service and sticks to it. They could always perform A/B testing to select the most profitable one.

3. Color: We recommended three colors and asked them to pick one as the primary color and one as a secondary color for their website. They picked golden and black. We must admit, we agree to their choice.

4. Contact Forms: Our research revealed construction professionals have a very short attention span because they may stumble upon a website during a coffee break, or a meeting. Plus long contact forms are a big turn off. Hence we recommended interspersing the content of the homepage with a very short contact form so all they had to fill in was their name, number, and email. 


The collaboration with AppVerx Technologies had a profound impact on Accurate Estimate’s website. The website’s versatile features and user-friendly interface have enabled construction professionals to effectively manage their plans and expectations, improving overall productivity and strengthening client relationships. 

The client has also seen an increase in plan uploads through their website, leading to increased revenue and profits. The new website has helped the client differentiate themselves from the competition and establish themselves as a frontrunner among construction estimation websites for construction professionals. 
Overall, the revamped Accurate Estimates website has been a great success for AppVerx and our client.